How is this happening?
Teams of students have to find an optimal solution to an engineering case. The competition comes in two categories: Team Design and Case Study.
Competitions take place in two categories:
Team Design
The teams must resolve a practical case, while having access to a limited amount of resources. The result is expected to be a device, which completes the necessary tasks. This category's assignment covers general engineering fields: Mechanics, Electronics, Radio engineering, Automation
Case Study
The teams must resolve an analytical case. The result is expected to be a strategy, which provides an effective and optimal solution to the presented problems. This category's assignment consists of an analysis and examination of a given technical problem.

EBEC Pyramid
The contest has three rounds:

Local Round
Teams of KPI students compete in both categories
National Round
the winners of local rounds from Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnytsya and Zaporizhya will compete for a spot in the grand final
Final Round
the winners from the regional and national rounds will battle on an international stage for the title of the best engineers Europe has to offer!
How was it in 2018?